Implement computations on an aggregate of event studies. Among which cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR) and its significance tests. This implementation heavily relies on the work of MacKinlay 1.
Basically, this class takes in input a list of single event studies (eventstudy.Single), aggregate them and gives access to aggregate statistics and tests.
All single event studies must have the same specifications (event, estimation and buffer windows). However, the model used for each event study can be different (if needed).
Mackinlay, A. (1997). “Event Studies in Economics and Finance”. In: Journal of Economic Literature 35.1, p. 13.
Low-level (complex) way of runing an aggregate of event studies. |
Compute an aggregate of event studies from a csv file containing each event’s parameters. |
Compute an aggregate of event studies from a list containing each event’s parameters. |
Compute an aggregate of event studies from a multi-line string containing each event’s parameters. |
Return a report of errors faced during the computation of event studies. |
Returns and factor data are directly imported at the single event study level.
Import Fama-French factors from a csv file to the Single Class parameters. |
Import returns from a csv file to the Single Class parameters. |
Plot the event study result. |
Give event study result in a table format. |
Give CARs’ distribution descriptive statistics in a table format. |
Not implemented yet |
Not implemented yet |